Medieval Costumes: Symbolic Meaning in a Knight’s Fighting Equipment

When we think of medieval costumes, one of the first images that come to mind is that of the knight gearing up for battle. People of all ages enjoy donning costumes and strapping on the gear these brave heroes wore. A fair or any even where people are wearing knightly garb provides an excellent opportunity to learn the symbolism behind a knight’s fighting equipment.

Early ceremonies were held in which young men received the equipment they needed in order to become warriors or knights on horseback. These ceremonies, as did knighthood itself, grew out of religious quests whose aim was to defend the Christian faith and the Holy Catholic Church. In early stories, the Lady of the Lake tells the dashing young Lancelot that his duties symbolize the duties of a Christian knight to the Church.

Symbolic meanings of a medieval knight’s costume

In these rituals symbolism was attached to the ceremonies as well as to the fighting equipment knights used.

  • A hauberk, or chain mail tunic, protects the knight’s body just as he should protect and defend the Church.
  • The lance, in whose use he has become an expert, is for combat and in protecting the Church from its enemies.
  • A sword typically has two edges. These sides represent a knight’s duty to serve both God and his people. Swords also have sharp points, signifying that the people must be obedient and follow their leader. The knight, in effect, becomes a “point” man.
  • His shield becomes part of his individual brand. It’s like a medieval logo of sorts, and defines who he is, and to whom he shares his allegiance. It protects him, just as he is protector of the Church and its people.
  • A knight’s horse stands for the people of the Church world who support him and follow his guidance, just as a horse follows his rider’s lead.

Costuming has Educational Value

Wearing medieval costumes can be so much more than simply playing dress-up. The process of pulling together an authentic renaissance costume can provide an engaging, inviting, and highly memorable way to learn about the knight’s place in history!